Unveiling the Secrets of A Fascinating Journey into Network Connectivity

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Why Do We Need ‌IP Addresses?

Have⁣ you ever wondered​ why every​ device connected to ⁢a network needs an⁣ IP address? Just like a ‌phone number or a street address, an IP address is essential for communication.‍ Without ⁢it, devices wouldn’t‍ be ‍able to send or receive ‌data. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and ​outs of IP addresses and delve into the world of ⁤

What Does an IP Address Look Like?

IP addresses are defined by protocols, with IPv4 being the most commonly​ used. Each IP ​address consists of 32 bits, divided into ​octets. We perceive IP addresses as four numeric values separated by dots.⁣ For example, ⁤is ​a valid IP address, while is not. To better understand IP addresses, check out the image below:

What Kinds of IP Addresses‌ Are ⁢There?

IP addresses can be classified ‍in various ways. There are five classes (A to E), each serving a different purpose. Additionally, IP‍ addresses can be private or public, as well as static or⁣ dynamic. Let’s start with the classes:

Class Size Purpose
A Large Reserved for‌ networks with numerous ⁤clients
B Medium Reserved for medium-sized ​networks
C Small Reserved for small networks
D N/A Reserved for multicast purposes
E N/A Reserved for experimental purposes

Based on their application, IP addresses can be private or public. Private addresses​ are used within local area networks, while⁣ public addresses are visible online. Your devices connected to your⁤ home Wi-Fi⁣ network have private IP addresses, while websites and servers have public IP ⁣addresses.

Now, let’s talk about the purpose of private addresses. With ‍the increasing ⁤number of devices connected‌ to the internet, unique IP addresses are becoming scarce. ‍Private addresses allow for the reuse of IP addresses on multiple networks, prolonging the⁢ use of ‍the IPv4 protocol.

Every device connected to your​ Wi-Fi‍ network, including your router,⁢ has a private ​IP address.⁣ Your router⁤ also has a default IP address, ​which is ⁢used for communication within your home network. However, for internet access, your devices use your router’s public‌ IP address assigned by your internet provider.

private IP address and public IP ⁢address

Now that‍ you have a better understanding of IP‌ addresses and the significance of ‍, you can navigate the world of networks with​ confidence. Remember, ​IP addresses are the backbone of communication in the​ digital realm.

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When you type in a web address and press‍ Enter, your request is sent to your router. The router​ then uses a public ​IP ‌address to ⁢access the ⁤DNS server and ⁣retrieve the information you requested. It’s ​a fascinating process that allows us to use private IP​ addresses ⁢for communication ⁤within our own network.

What Kind of Address is is the second IP address in the subnet. It belongs to ‌a reserved block of private IP addresses within the Class C. These addresses are used on smaller local area networks or ⁤LANs.

Can This⁣ Address Be A Default IP Address?

Yes, it can. Manufacturers often choose the starting or ending⁤ addresses in a ⁣subnet as​ the ​default⁢ IP address for their routers. Some popular choices ‍include,⁢,,, ⁣and In the case of,‍ it is the starting address of the subnet, making it a good choice as a‌ default IP address.

What Devices‌ Use as a‍ Default IP?

While not commonly used, LB Link, a Chinese company, assigns as the default ‍gateway for some of ​its routers, access points, and range extenders. Examples of LB Link devices using⁤ this address include BL-W1200, BL-WDR4600, BL-WR4000, BL-310R, and BL-WR3000.

LB Link

Is This Address My Default​ IP Address?

Unless you’re‍ using one of the LB Link routers mentioned earlier, it’s unlikely ⁣that is ⁤your default IP address. You can easily find your ⁤default​ IP address‍ by checking‍ the⁢ label on the bottom of your router or referring to the user manual.‌ Alternatively, you can follow our‍ guide to find your default IP address on various devices.

What Can I Do with My Default‌ IP Address? How to Use as a Default⁣ IP?

Your default IP ⁤address grants you access to your router’s configuration page. From ⁣there, you can ‌monitor your network, change network settings, adjust QoS settings, configure firewalls, and more. One common task is changing the network name and password, which we’ll show you how to do on LB Link⁤ routers that use as the default gateway.

How ⁢to ⁣Change the Network Name and Wi-Fi Password on LB Link Routers

To begin, type into your browser’s address bar. login

Enter the username and password in ⁢the Login ‌window. If it’s your ⁢first time accessing the page, use the⁤ default username and password (admin/admin for most LB​ Link routers). If⁢ you’ve changed the defaults and ‌can’t remember ⁢your credentials, you’ll ‌need to ​reset your router. Keep in mind that resetting your router will ⁢erase any previous ⁢changes you’ve made.

After logging⁣ in, the status window will appear. If it’s your first time accessing ⁢the Configuration page, you may ⁢need to select the operation mode and go‍ through the initial settings.

LB ‌Link router status window

LB Link router status window

To change the network name and password, select the 2.4G settings (or 5G⁤ settings) ​tab on⁣ the left.

2.4G settings

In the 2.4G ​settings, go to the Basic tab and enter the desired network ⁣name in the SSID textbox. Click‌ Apply ⁣once you’ve entered the name.

Change Your Password⁤ with Ease

To change your password, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Security tab.
  2. Select WPA2-PSK as​ the security mode.
  3. Enter your desired password.
  4. Click Apply.


Once you’ve updated your network name and ‌password, don’t forget to reboot your router. The changes will take effect after the reboot.

Can be a Client IP?

Believe it or not, can actually be a client IP address! Although​ it’s not very common, this IP ‍address ‍can be assigned to some ⁣of your devices. To make this possible, you’ll need a router with the default IP ​address from the same subnet. For example, LB Link‌ routers ⁤often ‌use as‌ their⁣ default IP. If the ⁣router has a DHCP ‍pool that ‍includes, then it can be assigned to a device and become a⁤ client IP address.

It’s important to note that ⁤client IP addresses can be either dynamic or⁣ static. Dynamic addresses‍ are ‌assigned​ automatically without ⁤your intervention and are leased ​to a device. When the lease time expires and the device is no longer connected, the address​ is returned to⁣ the DHCP pool and can ⁤be assigned to another device. On ‌the other hand, if you want an IP address to be permanently assigned to a specific device, you’ll need to⁣ assign it manually and make it static.

How to Assign as a Static IP

If you’re using an LB Link router with the default IP address of⁤, ⁤you can assign as a static IP by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your router.
  2. Go to network⁢ settings and select the DHCP server.
  3. Enable the‌ DHCP server and adjust the scope ​to include ‌ as the starting IP address.

DHCP server

Once you’ve adjusted the DHCP pool, scroll down to the⁢ Static⁣ lease tab or Static DHCP tab. Enter the required data, including the device’s hostname, MAC address, and ⁤the IP address you want to assign to it. After‌ entering⁣ all the ​necessary information, ⁣click Apply and log out.

click ‍Apply and log out

When you‍ connect your device to your Wi-Fi network next‌ time, it will be assigned the‌ IP address you specified.

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Jokercoy - Router Login Tutorials and Guides
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